18 Ridgewood Avenue, East Orange, NJ
Meeting Times: Sunday - 10AM (In-Person Bible Study), 11AM (In-Person Worship), 4PM (Zoom Bible Study); Wednesday - 7:30PM (Zoom Bible Study)
Class Materials for Story Of The Bible (Quarter 3)

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52 KB - The syllabus for this class.
53 KB - A description of four themes in the time period of the Exodus from Egypt (Exodus - Numbers 13).
42 KB - Covers the slavery of Israel in Egypt and the birth of Moses (Exodus 1-2:10).
44 KB - Covers Moses' escape from Egypt, his life in Midian, and his return to Egypt by God's direction at the burning bush.
44 KB - Covers Pharaoh's refusal to allow the Israelites to leave Egypt and the first nine plagues.
44 KB - Covers the institution of the Passover, the tenth plague (the death of the firstborn), and the release of Israel from Egypt.
43 KB - Covers the consecration of the firstborn, the escape from the Egyptians (through the Red Sea), and the song of praise to God.
44 KB - Covers the complaining in the wilderness, the battle with the Amalekites, and the visit by Jethro.
44 KB - Covers the arrival at Sinai, the giving of the Ten Commandments, and the acceptance of God's covenant by Israel.
43 KB - Covers the creation and destruction of the golden calf.
81 KB - Covers God's instructions to build the tabernacle and its actual construction.
43 KB - Covers God's instructions on sacrifices and the institution of the priesthood.
43 KB - Covers various other commandments by the Lord and Israel's departure from Mt. Sinai.
43 KB - Covers the twelve spies' investigation of Canaan, the reaction of Israel, and God's punishment for their unfaithfulness.