18 Ridgewood Avenue, East Orange, NJ
Meeting Times: Sunday - 10AM (In-Person Bible Study), 11AM (In-Person Worship), 4PM (Zoom Bible Study); Wednesday - 7:30PM (Zoom Bible Study)
Class Materials for The Life Of Christ (Part 2)

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136 KB - Covers arguments with the Pharisees (Corban), the healing of the Syro-Phoenician woman's daughter, and the feeding of the 4000.
129 KB - Covers Jesus' rebuke of the Pharisees and Sadducees, of the disciples, of Peter, and teachings about the establishment of the church.
130 KB - Covers the transfiguration, the healing of a demon-possessed child, and the issue of the temple tax.
127 KB - Covers numerous practical teachings of Jesus.
132 KB - Covers Jesus' teachings about marriage, divorce, and the rich young ruler.
132 KB - Covers Jesus' continued teachings on the way to Jerusalem.
133 KB - Covers Jesus' arrival in Jerusalem and interactions with the ruling Jews.
131 KB - Covers Jesus' interactions with the Herodians, Sadducees, and Pharisees.
310 KB - Covers Jesus' prophecies regarding the ultimate destruction of Jerusalem.
125 KB - Covers Jesus' parables and teachings regarding judgment (virgins, talents, and final judgment).
132 KB - Covers the events shortly before Jesus' crucifixion, including the institution of the Lord's Supper and the betrayal by Judas.
137 KB - Covers the events up to and including the crucifixion of Jesus.
129 KB - Covers the events following the crucifixion, including the resurrection and ascension of Jesus.