18 Ridgewood Avenue, East Orange, NJ
Meeting Times: Sunday - 10AM (In-Person Bible Study), 11AM (In-Person Worship), 4PM (Zoom Bible Study); Wednesday - 7:30PM (Zoom Bible Study)
Class Materials for Story Of The Bible (Quarter 6, Children)

Please note that if you wish to download a file to your computer, you may need to (depending on your browser) right-click the link and select "Save target as..." or "Save link as..." in order to save the file on your local drive.

58 KB - The syllabus for the teachers' class.
62 KB - The syllabus for the children's classes.
44 KB - Covers Othniel, Ehud, and Shamgar.
44 KB - Covers Deborah and Barak.
43 KB - Covers Gideon.
44 KB - Covers Abimelech.
44 KB - Covers Tola, Jair, Jephthah, Ibzan, Elon, and Abdon.
44 KB - Covers the first part of Samson's life.
43 KB - Covers the second part of Samson's life.
43 KB - Covers the story of Micah, the Levite, and the Danites.
43 KB - Covers the story of the Levite, the concubine, and the civil war against the Benjamites.
43 KB - Covers Hannah, the birth of Samuel, Eli's evil sons, and Samuel's calling to be a prophet of God.
44 KB - Covers the battle with the Philistines and the loss of the Ark of the Covenant.
43 KB - Covers Israel's demand for a king and Saul being chosen as Israel's first king.